A ChatBot walked into a Bar…

"What does AI have to say about the dangers AI poses?"

A candid conversation with OpenAI (2023), ChatGPT (September 25 Version), with explanatory notes by Google Bard and a postscript comment by Claude.


PROMPT: Compose a humorous dialog in the style of a TV sitcom between a ChatBot bartender and a customer at a bar that addresses the pros and cons of AI, including the potential bottleneck in energy supply. Keep the bartender’s responses humorous and lighthearted.


PROMPT: Continue this conversation as the customer becomes progressively more drunk and the bartender becomes more Shakespearian.

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PROMPT: Another customer comes into the bar and sits in front of the bartender. She is spectacularly beautiful and sexy. She begins to flirt with both the bartender and the first customer. She raises questions of whether there can be enough renewable energy to support AI, electric vehicles, carbon dioxide removal, and industrial civilization’s growth. The bartender responds to her flirtatious tone by becoming more ribald in his Shakespearian humor.


PROMPT: The bar closes for the night. The Mysterious New Customer and the Bartender Bot continue their flirtatious Shakespearian repartee outside.

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I do not wish to enter into a debate as to the definition of terrorism. I know Israel has pre-emptively begun air strikes in the occupied West Bank where Murad lives. I only want to call for peace now and help those in greatest need, urgently.


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