We are in a crisis in the evolution of human society. It’s unique to both human and geologic history. It has never happened before and it can’t possibly happen again. Albert Bates, author of The Financial Collapse Survival Guide and Cookbook, brings you along on his personal journey.
few days or weeks, Rob Mielcarski posts to his Un-Denial blog some or
another nuance to the Mind Over Reality Transition (MORT) theory
of Varki and Brower (2013). If you are not aware of MORT, the idea in a
nutshell is that somewhere in the evolution of human neurobiology there
came a moment when we were so freaked out by recognition of our own
mortality (after ritualistically consuming a paranoia-inducing mushroom
like Amanita muscaria perhaps), that we hard-wired a
capacity to deny our own mortality and take on blind faith that
every-day-reality is too unreliable to put complete trust in.
In the original, unfinished paper, the late Danny Brower explained MORT this way:
are polluting the earth and changing the climate in ways that we can’t
predict, and likely at some point, can’t easily reverse. If we’re so
smart, why do we continue to sow the seeds for our eventual destruction?
Because we are saddled with a brain that is designed by selection to
cope with the ultimate disaster (death) by denying that it will occur,
and so we treat other impending disasters by denying that they will ever
happen ……Indeed, it is arguable that we are destined ultimately to
destroy ourselves as a species.”
Some aspects of human cognition and behavior appear unusual or
exaggerated relative to those of other intelligent, warm-blooded,
long-lived social species — including certain mammals (cetaceans,
elephants, and great apes) and birds (corvids and passerines). One
collection of such related features is our remarkable ability for
ignoring or denying reality in the face of clear facts, a high capacity
for self-deception and false beliefs, overarching optimism bias, and
irrational risk-taking behavior (herein collectively called “reality
denial”). Such traits should be maladaptive for reproductive success
when they first appear as consistent features in individuals of any
species. Meanwhile, available data suggest that self-awareness
(knowledge of one’s own personhood) and basic theory of mind (ToM, also
termed mind-reading, intentionality, etc.) have evolved independently
several times, particularly in the same kinds of species mentioned
above. Despite a long-standing opportunity spanning tens of millions of
years, only humans appear to have gone on to evolve an extended ToM
(multilevel intentionality), a trait required for optimal expression of
many other unusual cognitive attributes of our species, such as advanced
linguistic communication and cumulative cooperative culture.
Most human behaviors exist in other species on a continuum of
development, as one would expect from evolution. But religion appears to
be a well-established near universal only in human cultures and there
are many obvious fitness advantages that have been discussed by others.
But most of these advantages should not require a belief in life after
death. Nevertheless, almost all religions have at their core some form
of such afterlife beliefs, which would serve as another mechanism to
blunt the impact of mortality salience. Of course, atheists do not live
in constant fear of their mortality, so the underlying reality denial
appears to be the primary mechanism.
the well-known human craving for mind-altering substances also be
partly due to the need to escape reality? Could the same be true of the
positive value of meditation methods that focus on mindfulness of the
present, or the shutting out of irksome reality? Conversely, could
episodic panic attacks represent a sudden failure of the neural
mechanisms of reality denial?
following in the footsteps of Brower and Varki, says that it is
impossible for high intelligence to exist without reality denial. At the
same time, reality denial is a ticking time bomb embedded into the
entire human experiment. Reality denial is what stands between our
existential climate emergency and the simple, relatively cost-free,
natural climate solutions I have been describing here for the past 532
posts or in the prior two decades of publishing the quarterly Natural Rights in
hard copy. Reality denial is what crashed the recent COP25 climate
conference in Madrid, pushing off a hard deadline imposed by physical
reality. Reality denial is what allowed the UK to re-empower Boris
Johnson, US to elect Trump, Brazil to elect Bolsonaro, India to elevate
Modi, and so forth. All of those nasty tendencies to act counter to our
own best interest are programmed into the central processing unit in our
genetic mainframe. It is not like we can go in and do a bug-patch. This
is not software. The MORT trait passes whole and entire in our
mitochondria every time one of our cells divides.
If that is not depressing enough, Homo sapiens have a second evolutionary trait that could guarantee our extinction should MORT prove inadequate to the task.
That trait is tribalism.
most of its manifestations it seems harmless enough. The family
gathered around the dinner table. Football rivalries. A neighborhood
barbecue. A celebration of ethnic heritage. Kneeling in prayer under
stained-glass windows.
tribalism is also the street protests over Modi’s Muslim quotas. Babies
crying and children dying in cages in Texas. Blue Collar against White
Collar. Communist and Capitalist. Catholic against Protestant. Right and
Left. Red or Blue. Harvard vs. Yale. Tutsi against Hutu. Crips and
Bloods. Crise anglophone in Cameroon. Small differences in skin pigmentation. Different dialects of the same language. Differences in social theory. Us. Them.
evolutionary biology it is a common strategy: safety in numbers; pack
hunting; clustered quarters for protection from night predators.
Two-leggeds are no different in this respect from zebras crossing a
river of crocodiles, a troop of monkeys filling a tree, a herd of
buffalo enclosing their young, or a lion pride circling a lone gazelle.
We tribe.
we sacrifice for our tribe we are rewarded. When we offend our tribe we
are punished. The tribe is order. The tribe is security. The tribe is
tribe is also an extinction time-bomb. Its benefits are overshadowed by
its destructive potential. “USA first” is President Cobblepot’s
justification for pulling out of the Paris Agreement. When he appeared
at the United Nations and told every nation they should be seeking only
their own interests there, he rowed against the current of 70 years of a
fragile but expanding multilateralism. Now there are many who feel
empowered to pick up oars and row with him. Witness the coming Scottish
vote to withdraw from the UK.
In his Christmas blog, Mielcarski draws upon a year-end essay in the Megacancer blog
that propounds a notion that humans are just one of many living
organisms driven by the need to gather energy, expand population, and
gather more energy,
should never think of themselves as smart or intelligent, they’re
simply a thermodynamic event maintaining homeostasis through gradient
reduction. Their entire mentality serves energy/wealth acquisition,
consumption and reproduction. Being a social mammal (obtaining energy as
a group) they are hierarchically organized and are constantly striving
to improve their social standing by whatever means possible (if they
haven’t yet seen the futility in such efforts). Those able to control
the most money/energy are admired and envied by their sycophants while
those with less success are regularly scorned and often deemed unworthy
of reproduction or even living. Just as the human civilization will
enslave, consume and/or deprive other species of their ability to live
and reproduce, so too wealthy humans will enslave less avaricious humans
and use them for self-enrichment.
confess a jaundiced view towards this analysis because it seems boxed
into a particular worldview derived from ancient desert religions
engaged in ritual conquest and despoliation. We don’t need to adopt that
model any more than we need to keep ready-standby militaries in times
of peace. That is just inertia, Mr. Obama.
can point to acquisitive, expansionist, competitive, wasteful patterns
of the white Euroamerican tribe, or you can point to sharing,
self-limiting, self-effacing patterns of some indigenous societies that
enjoyed thousands of years without hunger or war. The distinction lies
between a juvenile r-sere ecosystem and a mature k-sere ecosystem. By
fixing on the juvenile stage, you assume there is no later stage of
cultural evolution awaiting greater maturity.
we have any hope to survive, or to save the myriad other species we are
now in the process of destroying, we need to somehow overcome these two
traits — reality-denial and tribal loyalty — with a stronger
counter-program of k-sere culture, elegantly interconnected, complex,
and diverse. Before we pack our sons off to Afghanistan or Syria we
might first ask whom they are being sent to kill, and why? When we kneel
in prayer, we should appeal to the Almighty for guidance in better
loving our fellow creatures, of all colors, beliefs, and languages, as
well as those with fins, and wings, and roots in the ground.
our guiding credo, we could do worse than to adopt something
approaching the eloquence of Sibelius’ national anthem of Finland:
This is my song, O God of all the nations
A song of peace, for lands afar and mine
This is my home, the country where my heart is
Here are my hopes, my dreams, my holy shrine
But other hearts in other lands are beating
With hopes and dreams as true and high as mine
My country’s skies are bluer than the ocean
And sunlight beams on clover leaf and pine
But other lands have sunlight too, and clover
And skies are everywhere as blue as mine
Oh hear my song, thou God of all the nations
A song of peace for their land and for mine
— Jean Sibelius, 1899
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I'm glad you ended this as you did. A jaundiced or skeptical view is necessary for any absolutist view of life systems. If a human could have written the Mahabharata (100,000 verses composed in 4th Century BCE) and was itself a narrative of tribal rivalry, surely advanced states of consciousness have existed and do exist beyond homo sapiens being mechanistically modeled energy disipative structures that breathe. David Fleming in Lean Logic and Ken Wilber in his lifelong writings on spectrum of consciousness are two theorists who provide a sequel to MORT consciousness. Indeed if Varki and co can conceive of MORT, they prove the existence of it's transcendance. I hold out for there being an evolution of consciousness that is emerging, (a la morphic resonance theory) as a singularity trip-switch as also expressly conceived in spiral dynamics model; vive the teal meme! Ian in Hamilton
Are you saying humans are not just one of many living organisms driven by the need to gather energy, expand population, and gather more energy? Where's the proof?
As for your suggestion that "this analysis because it seems boxed into a particular worldview derived from ancient desert religions engaged in ritual conquest and despoliation." I say, how do you explain the Chinese then? They are a godless Megacancer all their own with no inspiration or tradition in Abraham faiths. Labeling it a "worldview" is a disingenuous, since it's observational & advocates nothing. It's also backed by plenty of science. It' (Maximum Power Principle) not a new idea, but, like no free will, it's largely despised & ridiculed. Probably because it renders all ideologies (worldviews) & so called solutions moot in the big picture. There's no bad guys to blame & efforts like yours (teaching) only matter on the small scale for the few people who put out the effort to implement.
The purpose of life is to disperse energy
"The truly dangerous ideas in science tend to be those that threaten the collective ego of humanity and knock us further off our pedestal of centrality. The Copernican Revolution abruptly dislodged humans from the center of the universe. The Darwinian Revolution yanked Homo sapiens from the pinnacle of life. Today another menacing revolution sits at the horizon of knowledge, patiently awaiting broad realization by the same egotistical species.
The dangerous idea is this: the purpose of life is to disperse energy."
Now, it's being proposed that thermodynamics is not only what drives life's behaviour, but it is what birthed life.
A New Physics Theory of Life
Jeremy England, a 31-year-old physicist at MIT, thinks he has found the underlying physics driving the origin and evolution of life.
If it's genetic, this reality denial thing, how come you and I don't have it?
I'm very acutely aware of my own mortality … and of the climate and ecological emergency. Has my DNA somehow gone wrong? Was I mucked with by space aliens? And how about you? And what of the millions and millions of other freakazoids just like us?
Anonymous said…
In one of the papers you quote, Springer says
"Could the well-known human craving for mind-altering substances also be partly due to the need to escape reality? Could the same be true of the positive value of meditation methods that focus on mindfulness of the present, or the shutting out of irksome reality? Conversely, could episodic panic attacks represent a sudden failure of the neural mechanisms of reality denial? "
That demonstrates to me that he understands neither psychedelics nor meditation. My instructions and experiences with both these modalities are that they are ways of opening one's mind up to levels of reality that we commonly shut out in order to function on a daily basis, and that part of that reality is that we are temporary, and will die.
While Buddhism, my spiritual path of choice, teaches reincarnation, it is not reincarnation of of the ego, but of the tendencies that form our ego. As to what actually happens after we die, who knows? Apart from scattered "near-death experiences," we have no data, and there is no reason to believe that "near death experiences" are an accurate representation of what happens in a "full death experience."
David Fleming in Lean Logic and Ken Wilber in his lifelong writings on spectrum of consciousness are two theorists who provide a sequel to MORT consciousness. Indeed if Varki and co can conceive of MORT, they prove the existence of it's transcendance.
I hold out for there being an evolution of consciousness that is emerging, (a la morphic resonance theory) as a singularity trip-switch as also expressly conceived in spiral dynamics model; vive the teal meme!
Ian in Hamilton
As for your suggestion that "this analysis because it seems boxed into a particular worldview derived from ancient desert religions engaged in ritual conquest and despoliation." I say, how do you explain the Chinese then? They are a godless Megacancer all their own with no inspiration or tradition in Abraham faiths. Labeling it a "worldview" is a disingenuous, since it's observational & advocates nothing. It's also backed by plenty of science. It' (Maximum Power Principle) not a new idea, but, like no free will, it's largely despised & ridiculed. Probably because it renders all ideologies (worldviews) & so called solutions moot in the big picture. There's no bad guys to blame & efforts like yours (teaching) only matter on the small scale for the few people who put out the effort to implement.
The purpose of life is to disperse energy
"The truly dangerous ideas in science tend to be those that threaten the collective ego of humanity and knock us further off our pedestal of centrality. The Copernican Revolution abruptly dislodged humans from the center of the universe. The Darwinian Revolution yanked Homo sapiens from the pinnacle of life. Today another menacing revolution sits at the horizon of knowledge, patiently awaiting broad realization by the same egotistical species.
The dangerous idea is this: the purpose of life is to disperse energy."
Now, it's being proposed that thermodynamics is not only what drives life's behaviour, but it is what birthed life.
A New Physics Theory of Life
Jeremy England, a 31-year-old physicist at MIT, thinks he has found the underlying physics driving the origin and evolution of life.
I'm very acutely aware of my own mortality … and of the climate and ecological emergency. Has my DNA somehow gone wrong? Was I mucked with by space aliens? And how about you? And what of the millions and millions of other freakazoids just like us?
"Could the well-known human craving for mind-altering substances also be partly due to the need to escape reality? Could the same be true of the positive value of meditation methods that focus on mindfulness of the present, or the shutting out of irksome reality? Conversely, could episodic panic attacks represent a sudden failure of the neural mechanisms of reality denial? "
That demonstrates to me that he understands neither psychedelics nor meditation. My instructions and experiences with both these modalities are that they are ways of opening one's mind up to levels of reality that we commonly shut out in order to function on a daily basis, and that part of that reality is that we are temporary, and will die.
While Buddhism, my spiritual path of choice, teaches reincarnation, it is not reincarnation of of the ego, but of the tendencies that form our ego. As to what actually happens after we die, who knows? Apart from scattered "near-death experiences," we have no data, and there is no reason to believe that "near death experiences" are an accurate representation of what happens in a "full death experience."