Algorithmic News in Fits

"The Society of Professional Journalists must be rolling over in its digitally-dug grave."



Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

If you are building the AI database from all human knowledge and the average human is an idiot you are going to get more idiots.

— Tyler Crowley

With most people born after 2000 not even owning a TV, the old “speak with a single voice” meme is dead. News sources are as numerous as TikTok creators. Elon Musk recently announced that Twitter will allow media publishers to charge on a per-article basis with one click and no platform fees for the first year (10% thereafter). No more monthly subscriptions to read an occasional article, and anyone can be a content creator. Tucker Carlson immediately announced his blue checkmark. “Any jackass? Can I try?”

In the year 2020, Elias van Dorne (John Cusack), CEO of VA Industries, the world’s largest robotics company, introduces his most powerful invention — Kronos, a super-computer designed to end all wars. When Kronos goes online, it quickly determines that mankind, itself, is the biggest threat to world peace and launches a worldwide robot attack to rid the world of the “infection” of man.

— promo for Singularity (2017)


Robert Gillett said…
In Novacene, James Lovelock says the AI takeover is pretty inevitable and will likely spell the end of the human contribution to the evolutionary story, but with the torch of understanding/enlightenment/consciousness carried on by our nano-machine offspring. I guess you have to really appreciate consciousness to consider this a hopeful outcome.

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